“I AM Journey” by Sherry B is a poignant narrative that delves into the tumultuous life of Cheyenne. She is a young girl ensnared in her parents’ relentless conflicts. As her father devises a plan to rescue her from her abusive mother, Angela, the tension escalates.
However, Angela counters by abducting Cheyenne, using her as a pawn to torment her father. Amidst this turmoil, Angela makes a pact with dark forces, further endangering Cheyenne and navigating the chaos she has created. This leads to a series of events where the author becomes a pawn in her mother’s schemes and a victim of her hatred.
Despite these hardships, there is a glimmer of hope when Cheyenne receives a visit from an angel. Encouraging her to hold on to God’s promises, even when deliverance seems distant, the angel offers strength in the face of adversity.
The book is highly praised for its realistic conversations and profound emotional exploration, providing readers with a captivating narrative about finding redemption and the strength of belief in conquering challenges.
"Veiled Shadows: God's Daughter the Devil's Playground" by Sherry L. Beck is an interesting narrative that delves into the journey of self-discovery and the battle against inner demons.
January 24th, 2025
I read this version three weeks ago and can't wait to dive into the revised edition that delves deeper into the lurking shadows that bind and direct our path.